ASD Kickstart Program

This event is in the past. See all current events.


Wednesday, September 20, 2023    
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Event host

Real World Kids OT
778 706 0251
[email protected]

Event Details

Don’t want to wait 6-9 months to get OT support for your child? Join the “ASD Kickstart Program” today!

Spots are limited and filling up fast.

Get immediate access to OT support: Families registered in the program have access to additional 1:1 in- person OT support for the duration of the program (subject to availability). Support is provided in the comfort of your own home, at daycare/preschool/school or in the community.

Here is what other families who have taken the program have shared:

  • I have genuinely enjoyed the program. It’s been super informative and detailed. You really took the time to elaborate on every subject.”
  • “ Thanks to your suggestion and the demonstration Liam was eager to sit in his seat today for meals.”
  • “After today’s session, Claire ate an entire bowl of food, and slept on her own through the night!”
  • After watching last week’s session, we decided that I would put my bathing suit on and have a bath with Charly. The goal was to let him wash MY hair. I let him try all the ways he could get my hair wet and he shampooed my hair too. He loved it! I washed his hair after and while he still wasn’t happy about it, it wasn’t the struggle it usually was. Today when the bath cup arrived he was excited and asked to go in the bath.”
  • “Jessie has been fighting with her sister a lot so after today’s session, I created her a safe space with some of her favorite things which of course meant her sister needed one too because toddlers. It went so well that she took a nap in it today which she hasn’t done at home in months!”

This program has been developed for families whose child is waiting for an ASD assessment or recently received an autism diagnosis and are looking for immediate OT support.

The ASD Kickstart Program” includes:

  1. Exclusive access to a community of like-minded families through a private Facebook group
  2. Educational sessions on topics like sensory regulation, setting up a “sensory friendly” home, picky eating, sleep, play skills, etc.
  3. Online group coaching sessions to answer your questions and help you implement the learned strategies

All sessions will be recorded and are accessible to your team and family.

Start date: September 20th, 2023   End date: December 6th, 2023

The program is fully covered by AFU.

Please contact me if you have any questions or for registration: [email protected] (

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