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SCHEMA Study: Autistic Adult Participants Needed for UBC Study

Project end date: April 30, 2025

Contact project organizer

Study Title: The Social Communication, Historical Experiences, Memory and Affect (SCHEMA) Study

Description: SCHEMA is a three-part study that includes one in-person visit at UBC (1-2 hours) involving eye tracking and two online sessions (45 minutes each). The study takes approximately 3.5 hours total for autistic participants. Participants will receive $52.50 in the form of an Amazon gift card.

Eligibility: To participate, participants must be…

  • 18-30 yrs old
  • fluent in English
  • have no history of colour blindness, intellectual disability, psychosis, seizure, epilepsy, eye surgeries, head injury (last 6 months), eye movement abnormalities, glasses with more than one power

How do you sign up?

If interested, please fill out the eligibility screener survey (~3min) here. 

Study Contacts:
Principle Investigator: Dr. Connor Kerns, Ph.D.
Primary Contact: Kate Rho (Research coordinator)

This study has been approved by University of British Columbia’s Behaviour Research Ethics Board (ID: H23-00378).