Online ADI-R Training with Dr. Somer Bishop (Oct. ’24)


Tuesday, October 22, 2024 - Wednesday, October 23, 2024    
All Day

Event host

Lincoln Institute of Applied Psychology
+1 (302) 450-1335
[email protected]

Event Details

About the course

  • This two-day web-based training is intended to introduce new users of the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) to administration and scoring principles of the instrument.
  • The ADI-R is a semi-structured, standardized parent interview designed to elicit information about social-communication deficits and restricted and repetitive behaviors associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
  • The course will be led by Dr. Somer Bishop, Ph.D., who has used the ADI-R extensively for clinical and research purposes.
  • She will use a combination of lecture and video examples to teach the basics of ADI-R administration and scoring.
  • Trainees will have the opportunity to view and code two full ADI-R administrations.
  • The trainer will lead discussion of each ADI-R code, and will instruct trainees about how to complete the algorithm form and determine ADI-R classification.
  • In addition, the course will cover best-practice guidelines for using the ADI-R as part of ASD diagnostic assessment.
  • Information will be provided about psychometrics and recent research on the ADI-R, as well as instructions for obtaining further training and practice following this introductory course.
Learning objectives: 
  • Explain the use of the ADI-R
  • Explain ADI-R administration
  • Demonstrate ADI-R administration with videos from the first case.
  • Explain the 5 sections of questions that make up the ADI-R and apply them in the video.
  • Discuss coding results and review administration
  • Revise scoring and complete algorithm
  • Discuss doubts about the contents learned on day one.
  • Demonstrate ADI-R administration with videos from the second case.
  • Apply the 5 sections of questions that make up the ADI-R in the video
  • Revise coding results and review administration
  • Revise scoring of day two and complete algorithm
  • Explain ADI-R psychometrics and appropriate use
  • Discuss doubts about the contents learned
Conflict of interest

Dr. Bishop is a co-author of the ADOS-2 (an assessment tool related to the ADI-R in some way), and therefore may receive, or may have received, royalties from WPS for every purchase of the ADOS-2 kit, ADOS-2 manual, and/or ADOS-2 protocol booklets.

Accessibility policy (ADA)
This program adheres to the standards of the Americans Disabilities Act. Please contact [email protected] if special accommodation is required.


About the trainer


Dr. Somer Bishop

Dr. Bishop is a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Weill Institute for Neurosciences at UCSF. She is a clinical psychologist with expertise in assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Her research and clinical interests are focused on ASD symptom manifestations in individuals of different ages and levels of ability, as well as on differentiating between ASD and other developmental disabilities across the lifespan.

Her interests are focused on the Behavioral phenotyping of individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) across the lifespan, Differential diagnosis between ASD and Neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD), Moderators (i.e., sex, age, IQ, and language) of ASD symptom manifestation and symptom measurement.

You can see her awards and academic career in this page.

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