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We are currently investigating how autistic youth between 13-18 years old perceive emotional and lexical information through vocal cues.

Project end date: January 1, 2025

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We are currently investigating how autistic youth between 13-18 years old perceive emotional and lexical information through vocal cues. In other words, how do youth with and without ASD understand the meaning of words depending on how they sound? To address this question, participants will be asked to complete a brief set of questionnaires about their background, emotional and lexical prosody tasks where they will listen to various sentences and answer questions about them, as well as an activity to assess their verbal skills. The entire study takes place over Zoom with a research assistant. The study takes about 1.5-2 hours to complete, and participants will be compensated with a $30 Amazon gift card for their time. In order to participate, youth require access to a working set of headphones, and a laptop with a working camera and microphone. If you are interested in this study, you can contact the study coordinator, Daniel Nault, via email at [email protected].