PEERS social skills training group for ages 9-13


Saturday, September 7, 2024 - Saturday, December 21, 2024    
9:00 am - 10:00 am

Event host

PEERS Group Richmond

[email protected]

Event Details

PEERS® (Program for Education and Enhancement of Relational Skills) is a 16-week evidence-based social skills intervention for motivated youth who are interested in learning ways to help them make and keep friends. During each session, participants are taught important social skills and given the opportunity to practice these skills in session during real play activities (e.g., playing sports, board games, etc.). Parents / caregivers / 1:1 service providers are taught how to assist their child, and act as a social coach for the child to make and keep friends by providing feedback during weekly socialization homework assignments. 

PEERS Group Richmond consists of three BIPOC-identified therapists/behavioural consultants experienced in serving youth with autism with mental health symptoms, we saw a service gap and we wanted to address it!  We are SUPER excited to be offering the PEERS® Social Skills Group to ages 9-13 because we have see this group do wonders for youth who are wanting to socialize with same aged peers. 

As a part of the program, the youth WILL need to have a supportive adult or 1:1 worker to act as a social coach to complete practical PEERS homework each week! The youth are hand-selected and screened for social readiness and likelihood that they will benefit from the group program before they are enrolled. We want to make sure they’re a good fit for the group so that they will have the greatest benefit. We are doing 1:1 screening interviews this July and August! 

Please note: This program is a fee-for-service (private pay) program so we’re looking to help families use their autism funding. 

Click here to read more about PEERS® developed by Dr. Elizabeth Laugeson from UCLA:  

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